Low today

1:16 PM Posted In Edit This 0 Comments »
Today we had a low before lunch. She didn't finish all of her food for breakfast and threw away what was left in a rush to get dressed and such for school. A little before lunch she dropped to 67. It was caught quick and she was fine the rest of the day. We decided to start waking up 20 minutes earlier so we have time for her to get ready on the groggy days.

First Day of Second Grade

2:30 PM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
Yesterday was the first day back to school for Morganna.  We had a meeting with the school nurse last week to give her all of Morgannas' supplies and snacks. When I was going to pick her up she said the nurse wanted to talk to me so I started heading into the school.  Her teacher was walking in and Morgan called to her to introduce me.

I could tell she was freaked out.  She seems very eager to learn about caring for a Diabetic child but had the jitters we had when all this was put in our lap. I told her to not let this stress her out and within a month all of it will be second nature.

I went in to the school and mentioned to the nurse JDRF is having a Diabetes Walk next April and she was excited about it.  I told her Morgan had a team set up if anyone from the school would be interested in joining in on the walk.  She also said it would be ok if I brought in her pledge sheet once I get it and teachers usually donate a few bucks for her.  With this and going around to local businesses Im sure we can meet the $200 goal she has.

Also over at Candy Hearts blog they are giving away a lot of cool stuff for Diabetic kids.  

Morganna's First Post

2:18 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
From Morganna:

"Hi internet. I have Type 1 Diabetes. It is kinda easy but its kinda hard but it is really workin out. Every once in a while I get to have snacks and sometime the snacks are icecream and stuff when I'm really low. Just because I have Diabetes it doesn't mean I can't have things that taste good. Sometimes I get to have things I really want but only a little bit of it."